Buy LANG products conveniently online
If you have any questions, please contact our online store support.
shop@lang-technik.deAt a glance
- Large product selection ~ 500 different products can be ordered quickly and easily in the online store
- No registration needed For existing customers the customer account is already set up. Registration is only necessary as a new customer
- Check item availability Logged in customers can see the availability of items
- Show prices As a logged in customer the current prices of all articles are visible
- Ask for your individual quotation Add items to your cart and send us your inquiry
- Quotations from sales partner Companies from abroad can also submit requests. These will be processed by the respective representative
Simply order online
Know directly which vise is in stock. Quickly check the price of a zero point plate. Order quickly and easily. With the new online store functions on the website of LANG Technik this is now possible.
As of 01.12.2022 the LANG website holds additional online store functions. German customers can now conveniently order our clamping systems online. The functions of the online store fit seamlessly into the look of the existing website. Whether logged in or not, visitors do not initially notice any difference on the website with this integrated solution. This only becomes apparent on the product pages and in the product navigation. While guest users continue to see a blue box with a request to register, the logged-in customer receives additional information about the respective product with a price and availability display. Instead of placing the product on a request list, they can add it to the shopping cart and complete the ordering process. Visitors to the website will find the login and registration area in the top right-hand corner of the page header.
Existing customers
Existing customers who have already purchased from LANG Technik and are listed in the customer database automatically have a customer account. A new registration is therefore not necessary. Existing customers can request the access data for the login on the website via shop@lang-technik.de.
New customers
All German companies that do not yet belong to LANG Technik's customer base have the opportunity to register via the website in order to retrieve article prices and availability. Important for this is a valid company e-mail address, as well as the VAT number of the company.
Foreign companies
For companies from abroad a direct order function is not provided at the moment. However, foreign end customers can place items in the shopping cart and make an inquiry. This will then be processed directly by the foreign representative in the respective country.