Innovations in the spotlight at EMO 2021

As the first major engineering and machining trade fair since the beginning of the pandemic, the EMO in Milan opened its doors on October 4, 2021. After several trade fair appearances that had already been planned but were ultimately cancelled, LANG Technik was looking forward to personal contact with many familiar and new faces after almost one and a half years without such events.
The expectations, which had been rather dampened in the run-up to the trade fair due to the pandemic situation, proved to be unfounded. EMO enjoyed great visitor interest and, rather unusually for Milan, welcomed a wide-ranging international audience. It was clearly noticeable how much the exhibitors and visitors had missed this trade show feeling and were looking forward to personal interaction and live presentations of the products on display.
Many well-known customers from all over Europe, but also a lot of new contacts, found their way to the LANG Technik booth during the exhibition week and showed a great interest in the product solutions that were exhibited for the first time. Among them were the new Quick•Point® module plates, Makro•Grip® contour jaws or the functional enhancements of the RoboTrex automation system. The absolute highlight at the LANG booth was the new HAUBEX system, which caused both aha-effects and enthusiasm among many visitors. With MTD CNC, LANG Technik also received a visit from the largest digital marketing platform in the industry and presented its innovations via video interview. Particularly pleasing were the reunions with almost all European sales partners, who paid a visit to LANG Technik during the trade fair week after this had not been possible for some time. LANG Technik was supported by the Italian sales partner Metech srl, whose employees took care of the domestic audience for the entire duration of the fair, as well as by Erst Maschinenbau GmbH, the cooperation partner for the HAUBEX automation system.
After six long days with many interesting and informative discussions, the EMO 2021 in Milan finally ended on Saturday, October 9, 2021. The final evaluation of LANG Technik is therefore consistently positive. Taking the extremely positive impressions home with them, the LANG Technik sales team can now devote itself to the promising trade fair follow-up. LANG Technik will next exhibit its products at the METAV in Dusseldorf on March 8, 2022. Until then (and beyond), interested companies can visit the training centres in Neuhausen and - just opened - in Hanover to experience LANG Technik's workholding systems and automation solutions live.
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