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Automate systematically


Keep the machines running 24/7. Many serial part producers have this in mind. Lang Technik recommends profitable automation from a component cycle time of 5 minutes. The workholding experts explain why their automation system is ideal for this.  
(by Harald Klieber, Schlütersche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG )

We don't chase the seconds. But with our flexible automation solutions, many machinists have already activated many hours of spindle capacity and almost completely banished set-up times from the machine," says sales representative Giuseppe Semeraro, explaining the approach of the Swabian workholding manufacturer Lang Technik. Lang Technik has been producing its own automation systems for almost 15 years and is constantly developing them further. "By using them in our own production, where almost every machine is automated, we have meanwhile developed a feeling for what works well," says Giuseppe Semeraro. Namely, systems with minimal set-up times, a lot of storage capacity on a small footprint and high component flexibility.

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Bericht aus NC Fertigung 05/2021

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