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LANG Blog - Practical knowledge
for everyday questions in manufacturing

Which factors are really important in the production process? How can resources such as personnel, machines and equipment be used most effectively? In our blog, we regularly address topics that our customers and we deal with on a daily basis. We address problems related to automation, setup time optimization and simplification of manufacturing processes. In our blogs, we provide you with assistance and food for thought on various questions and decisions that need to be made in the area of manufacturing technology.

More than holding force and precision - What makes a good zero point system?

Zero Point Clamping System — 20.03.2023
It is now well known that zero point clamping systems reduce set-up times and thus increase machine running times. What all good zero point clamping systems today have in common is high precision and holding forces. However, this does not necessarily make it easier for a potential customer, because he has to choose from a large number of possible systems. It therefore makes sense to look at other important aspects in order to be able to decide without any doubts. But apart from the two rather technically oriented metrics, what are the decisive aspects that turn a good into a very good one zero point clamping system?
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Compact solution with a big impact - Flexible automation on a small footprint

Automation — 11.01.2023
Space is a valuable asset - not only home builders know that, but above all industrial companies. Because if you want to grow, you also need the space for automation systems and the like. We at LANG present your options here. You can look forward to a blog with ideas on how you too can drive automation forward in your facility. Even when space is limited.
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Machine tool automation - The right planning

Automation — 23.09.2022
It's quite simple: Where state-of-the-art automation and established manufacturing technologies meet, potential for greater efficiency is created. Provided you do everything right - because not all automation is the same. Our detailed blog article explains where automation opens up opportunities for companies in machining and which stumbling blocks threaten implementation. Read what you need to pay attention to and what role your staff plays in the development of an individual automation strategy.
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